Monday, September 5, 2011

The PRICELESS SHOES......!!!! :)

Whoa! It’s been like ages (almost reaching a year) since I’ve updated my blog! Actually it’s not my fault entirely. I’ve been like real busy with a lot of work. Also, the term ‘laziness’ has got a little bit to do with the delay.

I think it’s now time to tell my readers the reason why I really started this blog. Yes, sharing and making you all laugh is a part of it, but we are missing the most important fact out here. And that is, IT WAS A PART OF COLLEGE PROJECT/ rather you can also call it an assignment. Whew! Yes, it was a whole and sole 50 marks assignment for the entire ‘New Media’ module, in my first semester.

As soon as we were marked, I got over with my blog and that’s the reason why I stopped writing and therefore my blog hasn’t been updated ever since. Time flew, and recently in an incident I suddenly realised that I did own something like a blog and that it still existed (even if old!!!). This realisation is obviously, all thanks to momma darling who’s been bugging me to write at least one new entry now.

So, ever since I’ve been wondering about what to write. Life is never stagnant and a lot of things have changed in this span. Many people have entered and exited my life too. Apart from all that, I think I’ve grown more mature due to my new encounters with life! There are a few topics I have in mind, and it has taken me a little while to finally decide. Although there are new encounters to entertain you all, I have decided to present you with an old incident. So, here I am with another of my ‘LITTLE AISHU’ stories, a personal favourite especially dedicated to mum and to the monsoons!!! J

Apart from all the dullness, puddles, dirty water, frogs n tadpoles that the rains bring, the monsoon season has always been my all time favourite. Maybe because I feel I have a different relationship with water (has this got anything to do with the Aquarius sign – also known as the water bearer???). The colour of the leaves go greener when it rains, the nature seems more happier with peacocks dancing around, and the peace and serenity that the rains bring after they stop, is something that is experienced by all.

Okay, so enough about the monsoons and why I love them. For this story, I am going to take you back a few years when I was in junior kindergarten (5 years old). My mum was then a school teacher at the same school where I was studying. So, it’s pretty obvious that we had the same school timings and we went to school together.

We’ve all had our own personal moments with the rain. A cup of hot steaming coffee/tea, getting wet in the pouring rains, listening to music and wondering about various emotions that life brings, sailing paper boats and not to forget, jumping in every puddle that you find in your way. Well, the last activity was always my favourite when I was younger.

Alright then, after that little diversion, let’s get back to the road where mum and I were returning home. As usual, I was jumping in every puddle that crossed me. After jumping in 5 such huge puddles, my mother warned me in a stern voice, “Aishu, I am telling you right now to stop jumping in those puddles. I am sure you will spoil your new school shoes!”

But an adamant kid that I was, the warning made no difference to me. So when the next puddle arrived, I jumped even harder and PHAT.......there was that disastrous sound. Mother’s warning had come true. My new school shoes had just broken.

I looked at her with an innocent look on my face, but somewhere inside me I knew, it was not going to work this time. And then she started, “I had warned you not to jump. Now look what you have done. We had bought these shoes just a few days back. Now, what will you do? You never want to listen to me. When I tell you something, you should listen to me, but then NO, you always do want you want to. Now don’t look at me like that, pick up your shoes and start walking bare feet.”

So staring at her with a gloomy face (in a hope that she would lift me up), I picked up my broken shoes and started walking (the pace definitely being slower than before). After walking down for a few minutes in that silence that stayed with us after mum’s scolding, there came another disastrous sound..... ‘PHAT’......only this time it was mum’s footwear that had broken.

Oh Lord, this was great luck for me, it was my moment. The expression on my face changed from the sad and gloomy to an authoritative look and I started, “I had warned you not to jump. Now look what you have done. We had bought these shoes just a few days back. Now, what will you do? You never want to listen to me. When I tell you something, you should listen to me, but then NO, you always do want you want to. Now don’t look at me like that, pick up your shoes and start walking bare feet.”

I had managed to repeat her sentences word to word, without any change at all. And the expression on my mother’s face was PRICELESS!!!!!

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